character-intro-damien-drake character photo damien drake

Damien Drake

His creativity has been stifled since he walked away from the Death Series. Damien’s secret collaboration with John Godewynn threatens to destroy the new life that his current promoter Lorna Hagen has helped him build.

Critics – the creative’s succubus

When someone creates a work of art; he/she puts a part of themselves in that piece of art. Painting, sculpture, written word, even a photograph. That artist is the creator. Their insight, creativity, and passion go into that work. They know that work better than anyone. A writer creates the story world; the characters are an extension of the writer’s soul; a small piece of themselves is each character. A painter’s sweat and blood blend with the paint on the canvas as he creates a vision. A photographer creates an image of what is within him.

Once the work is out there for the world to see, other people who view the work believe that they now have a connection, an insight into the work greater than the individual who created the work. Art historians, art director, editors, casual observers and of course the critics all have opinions on the work. They now have the superior insight into the characters of the story or the subject of the photograph or the composition of the painting.

Why is it that those who can’t create anything original, are so free with their advice and criticisms of the works of those who can paint a picture, write a story or create a photograph?

I once worked with a partner. In many ways a very liberating experience. But though my partner had great enthusiasm and drive, he lacked the artistic eye to create truly artistic works of art. But alas, he failed to see that, believing that he was the artistic force of the work. That pure passion out weights balance, subtle nuances of light and dark. They failed to see the true beauty within the work.

I now create my photographs alone. My vision, my passion, my artwork. Does that stop others from claiming to understand my works better than I do? Of course not! There will always be those who will take a work of a talented creator and attempt to change it into a lesser thing. All in the name of a greater insight into the work of art.

Perhaps that is why death is the truly final canvas upon which our mortality can be displayed. Once we are dead, it doesn’t matter what the critics or audience say. We have escaped their grasp for the loving embrace of death.